
标题: 2013.03.03 摄影师Rankin [打印本页]

作者: shiyi18    时间: 2022-4-23 09:14
标题: 2013.03.03 摄影师Rankin
Released On: 03 Mar 2013Available for over a year
Kirsty Young's castaway this week is the photographer Rankin.

He started out doing fashion shoots and is very good at making pretty young things look even prettier. But his work and influence have spread well beyond the glossy pages of style bibles. From Congolese war widows to canoodling pensioners his skill is capturing a moment of spontaneous and often surprising truth. He should really been doing peoples' tax returns - he went to college to study accountancy - but his head was turned in his halls of residence where the arts students seemed to be having all the fun. Within a few years Kate Moss was posing for him in nothing but a fedora and leather boots. However his reputation for raunch was put on the back burner the day he photographed Her Majesty The Queen - his picture of a serene and smiling monarch now hangs in The National Portrait Gallery.

Photography is he says "like a seduction. It's a relationship compressed into a moment."

Kirsty Young本周的弃儿是摄影师Rankin。

他以拍摄时装片起家,非常擅长让年轻漂亮的东西看起来更漂亮。但他的工作和影响已经远远超出了时尚圣经的光鲜页面。从刚果战争遗孀到与人约会的养老金领取者,他的技能是捕捉自发的、经常令人惊讶的真实时刻。他真的应该去做人们的纳税申报--他上大学是为了学习会计学--但他的头被转到了他的宿舍里,那里的艺术学生似乎有所有的乐趣。几年内,凯特-莫斯(Kate Moss)就为他摆出了只戴棉帽和穿皮靴的姿势。然而,从他拍摄女王陛下的那一天起,他的 "淫荡 "名声就被抛到了脑后--他拍摄的君主安详微笑的照片现在挂在国家肖像馆。

他说,摄影 "就像一种诱惑。它是一种被压缩在瞬间的关系"。

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