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克里斯蒂安 高斯 文学评论奖

The Christian Gauss Award
The Gauss Award honors outstanding books in the field of literary scholarship or criticism. The prize was established by the Phi Beta Kappa Senate in 1954 to honor the late Christian Gauss, the distinguished Princeton University scholar, teacher and dean who also served as President of the Phi Beta Kappa Society. To be eligible, a literary biography must have a predominantly critical emphasis.

克里斯蒂安 高斯奖
高斯奖表彰在文学学术或批评领域的杰出书籍。该奖项由Phi Beta Kappa理事会于1954年设立,以纪念已故的普林斯顿大学杰出的学者、教师和院长克里斯蒂安-高斯,他还担任过Phi Beta Kappa协会的主席。要符合资格,文学传记必须以批评为主要重点。

Christian Gauss Award Winners
2021: My Autobiography of Carson McCullers: A Memoir by Jenn Shapland (Tin House Books)
2020: What We Talk About When We Talk About Books: The History and Future of Reading by Leah Price (Basic Books)
2019: Looking for Lorraine: The Radiant and Radical Life of Lorraine Hansberry by Imani Perry (Beacon Press)
2018:Henry David Thoreau: A Life by Laura Dassow Walls (University of Chicago Press)
2017: Shirley Jackson: A Rather Haunted Life by Ruth Franklin (Liveright)
2016:The Poetry of John Milton by Gordon Teskey (Harvard University Press)
2015: Philology: The Forgotten Origins of the Modern Humanities by James Turner (Princeton University Press)
2014: The Novel: An Alternative History, 1600-1800, by Steven Moore (Bloomsbury Academic)
2013: Jane Austen's Cults and Cultures by Claudia L. Johnson (The University of Chicago Press)
2012: A Most Dangerous Book: Tacitus's Germania from the Roman Empire to the Third Reich by Christopher B. Krebs (W.W. Norton)
2011: From Battlefields Rising: How the Civil War Transformed American Literature by Randall Fuller (Oxford University Press)
2010: Telling Images: Chaucer and the Imagery of Narrative II by V.A. Kolve (Stanford University Press)
2009: A Summer of Hummingbirds: Love, Art, and Scandal in the Intersecting Worlds of Emily Dickinson, Mark Twain, Harriet Beecher Stowe, & Martin Johnson Heade by Christopher Benfey (The Penguin Press)
2008: Henry James Goes to Paris by Peter Brooks (Princeton University Press)
2007: In Search of Nella Larsen: A Biography of the Color Lineby George Hutchinson (Bellknap Press of the Harvard University Press)
2006: Dickinson's Misery: A Theory of Lyric Readingby Virginia Jackson (Princeton University Press)
2005: Shakespeare After All by Marjorie Garber (Pantheon Books)
2004: Emerson by Lawrence Buell (Harvard University Press)
2003: The Irish Story: Telling Tales and Making It Up in Irelandby R.F. Foster (Oxford University Press)
2002Poetry and the Fate of the Sensesby Susan Stewart (The University of Chicago Press)
2001: Transcendental Wordplay: America's Romantic Punsters & the Search for the Language of Nature by Michael West (Ohio University Press)
2000: Unearthing the Past: Archaeology and Aesthetics in the Making of Renaissance Cultureby Leonard Barkan (Yale University Press)
1999:Memory & Narrative: The Weave of Life-Writingby James Olney (University of Chicago Press)
1998: The Mirror of Justice: Literary Reflections of Legal Crisesby Theodore Ziolkowski (Princeton University Press)
1997: The Title to the Poemby Anne Ferry (Stanford University Press)
1996: What is Pastoral?by Paul Alpers (University of Chicago Press)
1995:Dostoevsky: The Miraculous Years, 1865-1871by Joseph Frank (Princeton University Press)
1994: The Mystery to a Solution: Poe, Borges, and the Analytic Detective Storyby John T. Irwin (The Johns Hopkins University Press)
1993: To Wake the Nations: Race in the Making of American Literatureby Eric J. Sundquist (The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press)
1992: Chaucer and the Subject of History by Lee Patterson (University of Wisconsin Press)
1991: The Presence of the Present: Topics of the Day in the Victorian Novelby Richard D. Altick (Ohio State University Press)
1990: Dostoevsky: Emerson: The Roots of Prophecyby Evelyn Barish (Princeton University Press)
1989: Ruin the Sacred Truths: Poetry and Belief from the Bible to the Present by Harold Bloom (Harvard University Press)
1988: Beneath the American Renaissance: Subversive Imagination in the Age of Emerson and Melvilleby David S. Reynolds (Harvard University Press)
1987: The Gods Made Flesh: Metamorphosis and the Pursuit of Paganismby Leonard Barkan (Yale University Press)
1986: Alexander Pope: A Lifeby Maynard Mack (Norton)
1985: The English Elegy: Studies in the Genre from Spense to Yeatsby Peter M. Sacks (Johns Hopkins University Press)
1984: Swift: The Man, His Works, and the Age, Volume III, Dean Swiftby Irvin Ehrenpreis (Harvard University Press)
1983: The Idea of the Lyric: Lyric Modes in Ancient and Modern Poetry by W. R. Johnson (University of California Press)
1982: The Life of the Poet: Beginning and Ending Poetic Careersby Maynard Mack (University of Chicago Press)
1981: Tennyson: The Unquiet Heartby Robert Bernard Martin (Oxford University Press)
1980: The Creation of Nikolai Gogolby Donald L. Fanger (Belknap-Harvard University Press)
1979: The Ways of the World: Comedy and Societyby Robert B. Heilman (University of Washington Press)
1978: Person, Place, and Thing in Henry James’s Novelsby Charles R. Anderson (Duke University Press)
1977: Dostoevsky: The Seeds of Revolt, 1821-1849by Joseph Frank (Princeton University Press)
1976: T. S. Eliot: The Pattern in the Carpetby Elisabeth W. Schneider (University of California Press)
1975:Mandelstamby Robert Gittings (Atlantic-Little, Brown)
1974: Young Thomas Hardyby Clarence Brown (Cambridge University Press)
1973: Kings, Beasts, and Heroesby Gwyn Jones (Oxford University Press)
1972: The Pound Era by Hugh Kenner (University of California Press)
1971: Politics in English Romantic Poetryby Carl Woodring (Harvard University Press)
1970: The Burden of the Past and the English Poetby Walter Jackson Bate (Harvard University Press)
1969: Shaw the Dramatist by Louis Crompton (University of Nebraska Press)
1968: Poetic Closure: A Study of How Poems Endby Barbara Herrnstein Smith (University of Chicago Press)
1967: The American 1890s: Life and Times of a Lost Generationby Larzer Ziff (Viking Press)
1966: The Cave and the Mountain: A Study of E. M. Forsterby Wilfred Stone (Stanford University Press)
1965: Wordsworth’s Poetry, 1787-1814by Geoffrey H. Hartman (Yale University Press)
1964: John Keatsby Walter Jackson Bate (Harvard University Press)
1963: Contrary Music: The Prose Style of John Donneby Joan Webber (University of Wisconsin Press)
1962: The Rhetoric of Fictionby Wayne C. Booth (University of Chicago Press)
1961: Emily Dickinson’s Poetry: Stairway of Surpriseby Charles R. Anderson (Holt, Rinehart, and Winston)
1960: Alexander Pope: The Poetry of Allusionby Reuben Arthur Brower (Oxford University Press)
1959: The Idea of Poetry in Franceby Margaret Gilman (Harvard University Press)
1958:Homer and the Heroic Traditionby Cedric H. Whitman (Harvard University Press)
1957: The Victorian Frame of Mind: 1830-1870by Walter E. Houghton (Yale University Press)
1956: The Achievement of Samuel Johnsonby Walter Jackson Bate (Oxford University Press)
1955: The Poetry of Meditationby Louis L. Martz (Yale University Press)
1954:The Mirror and the Lamp: Romantic Theory and the Critical Traditionby M. H. Abrams (Oxford University Press)

克里斯蒂安 高斯奖获奖者
2021: 卡森-麦卡勒斯的《我的自传》。Jenn Shapland的回忆录(Tin House Books)。
2020: 当我们谈论书的时候,我们在谈论什么。Leah Price的《阅读的历史与未来》(Basic Books)。
2019年:《寻找洛林》。洛林-汉斯贝里光芒四射的生活》,作者伊玛尼-佩里(Beacon Press)。
2018:Henry David Thoreau: 劳拉-达索-沃尔斯的《人生》(芝加哥大学出版社)
2017: 雪莉-杰克逊。露丝-富兰克林的《相当闹心的生活》(Liveright)。
2015: 语言学。詹姆斯-特纳(James Turner)的《被遗忘的现代人文起源》(普林斯顿大学出版社)。
2014: 小说。史蒂芬-摩尔(Steven Moore)的《另类历史,1600-1800》(Bloomsbury Academic)。
2013: 简-奥斯汀的邪教和文化》,作者:克劳迪娅-L-约翰逊(芝加哥大学出版社)
2012: 一本最危险的书。塔西佗的《从罗马帝国到第三帝国的日耳曼尼亚》(Christopher B. Krebs)(W.W. Norton)。
2011: 从战场崛起。兰德尔-富勒(Randall Fuller)的《内战如何改变了美国文学》(牛津大学出版社)。
2010: 叙述图像。Chaucer and the Imagery of Narrative II by V.A. Kolve(斯坦福大学出版社)。
2009: A Summer of Hummingbirds: 艾米莉-迪金森、马克-吐温、哈里特-比彻-斯托和马丁-约翰逊-海德的交错世界中的爱情、艺术和丑闻》,克里斯托弗-本菲(企鹅出版社)。
2008: 亨利-詹姆斯去巴黎》,作者彼得-布鲁克斯(普林斯顿大学出版社)。
2007: 寻找内拉-拉尔森》(In Search of Nella Larsen: 乔治-哈钦森撰写的《彩色林传》(哈佛大学出版社的贝尔克纳普出版社)。
2006: 迪金森的苦难。弗吉尼亚-杰克逊著的《歌词阅读理论》(普林斯顿大学出版社)。
2005: Marjorie Garber的《莎士比亚》(Pantheon Books)。
2004: 劳伦斯-布尔的《爱默生》(哈佛大学出版社)。
2003: 爱尔兰的故事。R.F.福斯特的《在爱尔兰讲故事和编故事》(牛津大学出版社)
2000: 发掘过去。文艺复兴时期文化形成中的考古学和美学》,作者Leonard Barkan(耶鲁大学出版社)。
1999:记忆与叙事。詹姆斯-奥尔尼(James Olney)的《生活-写作的编织》(芝加哥大学出版社)。
1998: 正义之镜。西奥多-齐奥尔科夫斯基的《法律危机的文学思考》(普林斯顿大学出版社)。
1996: 保罗-阿尔珀斯的《什么是牧歌》(芝加哥大学出版社)
1994年:《谜底》(The Mystery to a Solution)。约翰-T-欧文的《坡、博尔赫斯和分析性侦探故事》(约翰-霍普金斯大学出版社)。
1993年:《唤醒各国》。Eric J. Sundquist的《美国文学创作中的种族》(The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press)
1992: 李-帕特森(Lee Patterson)的《乔叟和历史的主题》(威斯康星大学出版社)。
1991年:《当下的存在》(The Presence of the Present: 理查德-D-阿尔蒂克(Richard D. Altick)的《维多利亚时代小说中的时代主题》(俄亥俄州立大学出版社)。
1990: 陀思妥耶夫斯基。爱默生。Evelyn Barish的《预言的根源》(普林斯顿大学出版社)。
1989: 破坏神圣的真理。哈罗德-布鲁姆的《从圣经到现在的诗歌与信仰》(哈佛大学出版社)。
1987年:《众神成肉身》。伦纳德-巴尔坎(Leonard Barkan)的《变形和对异教的追求》(耶鲁大学出版社)。
1986: 亚历山大-波普。梅纳德-麦克的《生活》(诺顿)。
1985: 英国挽歌。彼得-M-萨克斯的《从斯宾塞到叶芝的流派研究》(约翰-霍普金斯大学出版社)。
1982: 诗人的生活。梅纳德-麦克的《开始和结束诗歌生涯》(芝加哥大学出版社)。
1981: 丁尼生。罗伯特-伯纳德-马丁的《不平静的心》(牛津大学出版社)。
1980: 唐纳德-L-芳格的《尼古拉-果戈理的创作》(贝尔纳普-哈佛大学出版社)。
1979: 世界的方式》(The Ways of the World)。罗伯特-B-海尔曼的《喜剧与社会》(华盛顿大学出版社)。
1978: 亨利-詹姆斯小说中的人物、地点和事物》,查尔斯-R-安德森(杜克大学出版社)。
1977: 陀思妥耶夫斯基。约瑟夫-弗兰克的《反叛的种子,1821-1849》(普林斯顿大学出版社)。
1976: T.S.艾略特。伊丽莎白-W-施奈德的《地毯上的图案》(加利福尼亚大学出版社)。
1975:罗伯特-吉廷斯的《曼德尔斯塔姆》(Mandelstam) (Atlantic-Little, Brown)
1973: 格温-琼斯的《国王、野兽和英雄》(牛津大学出版社)
1972: 休-肯纳的《庞德时代》(加利福尼亚大学出版社)。
1971: 卡尔-伍德林的《英国浪漫主义诗歌中的政治》(哈佛大学出版社)。
1970: 沃尔特-杰克逊-贝特(Walter Jackson Bate)的《过去的负担和英国诗人》(哈佛大学出版社)。
1968: 诗意的终结。芭芭拉-赫恩斯坦-史密斯(Barbara Herrnstein Smith)的《诗歌如何结束的研究》(芝加哥大学出版社)。
1967: 美国1890年代。拉尔泽-齐夫的《失去的一代的生活和时代》(维京出版社)。
1966: 洞穴和山。Wilfred Stone的《E.M.福斯特研究》(斯坦福大学出版社)。
1965: 华兹华斯的诗歌,1787-1814》,作者杰弗里-H-哈特曼(耶鲁大学出版社)。
1964: 约翰-济慈,沃尔特-杰克逊-贝特(哈佛大学出版社)著
1963: 相反的音乐。琼-韦伯的《约翰-多恩的散文风格》(威斯康星大学出版社)
1962: 韦恩-C-布斯的《小说修辞学》(芝加哥大学出版社)。
1961: 艾米莉-迪金森的诗歌。查尔斯-R-安德森的《惊喜的阶梯》(Holt, Rinehart, and Winston)
1960: 亚历山大-波普。鲁本-阿瑟-布罗尔的《典故之诗》(牛津大学出版社)
1959: 玛格丽特-吉尔曼的《法国的诗歌观念》(哈佛大学出版社)。
1957: 沃尔特-E-霍顿的《维多利亚时代的思维框架:1830-1870》(耶鲁大学出版社)
1956: 沃尔特-杰克逊-贝特的《塞缪尔-约翰逊的成就》(牛津大学出版社)
1955: Louis L. Martz的《冥想之诗》(耶鲁大学出版社)
1954年:《镜子和灯》。浪漫主义理论和批评传统》,M. H. Abrams著(牛津大学出版社)。
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